How to get reimbursed

The Superbill...

How do I submit my superbill?

Insurances typically have a time limit to turn in your super bill of 90 days or more, some up to 180 days. This can fall under “timely filing”. To submit your super bill, contact your insurance company and ask for “member services” or check their website for instructions. There are usually 3 options for turning in a super bill: mail, fax, or through an online portal. 

  1. Mail - you can ask your insurance for an address to mail the super bill. Make sure you allow time for delivery to stay within your limit for timely filing. 

  2. Fax - if you would like to keep your protected health information private, we suggest not faxing from a public fax machine (such as at the library) or a work fax machine. The receipt that shows your fax was sent will include this private health information. 

  3. Online portal - most insurance providers will have an online portal through which you can upload your super bill. It is the most secure option to send your super bill as the website will request a login or password. It is also faster than mail or fax. Be sure to ask your insurance about this option

What can you expect after you submit a super bill?

Insurance companies typically have a time limit in which you can submit a super bill. If you submit your super bill after this time limit, you risk losing any potential reimbursement. 

It can typically take your health insurance 2-4 weeks to process your super bill. They will either pay the full amount of services minus your copay, or they will put this amount towards your deductible. If your super bill is denied, call your insurance and request information about the denial.

Soreness after a Therapy session

Ouch.. why am I sore the next few days after my session..

After Active Release Techniques (ART):

Commonly you feel soreness or achiness a few days after an ART session. The reason why is that ART is focusing on breaking down and releasing scar tissue that is stuck inbetween or on the mucles. As a result lactaid acid is released into your body (a normal response to healing) and can cause soreness. Another reason is that your body is moving like it is suppose to again, making your muscles that have been stuck work again - hence being sore! Drinking plenty of water helps decrease your soreness. 

During the Strengthening Process: 

When you strengthen a muscle, it is necessary to make the muscle fatigued. This is known as the overload principle. You must perform this type of fatiguing exercise 3 to 4 sets, at least two, although preferably three days a week. Because of the scientific nature of anatomy and physiology, when you overload a muscle, you are performing a micro-trauma.

This is a controlled injury, somewhat like surgery is controlled damage to the body to heal. The normal and natural result of strengthening is soreness or a low level of pain in the general muscle area the next day or two, and soreness is most especially experienced when using the muscle (See micro-trauma above). However, the muscle heals over the next 24 to 48 hours and is better able to work, and thus over the eight weeks, your muscle gets stronger. It can perform more work for more extended periods. The injured muscles fibers are entirely healed, so no more pain is felt- unless you overuse the muscle in a single macro trauma or repetitive micro-trauma.